Servant Leader for New Hampshire
An Engineer and Leader for 35 Years in the Commercial and Military Electronics business. Managed and mentored hundreds of engineers and multi-million dollar budgets.
Will use educational and finance background and experience to create / support legislation that helps out our NH small businesses. Will advocate and support legislation that protects New Hampshire's beautiful land and lakes.
As I am a long-time member of the NRA, I will vigorously defend our 2nd Amendment and all Constitutional rights.
On 7/22/2024 received GOLD AWARD for a 100% voting record and an endorsement from Granite State Taxpayers (GST).
On 1/13/2024 receives NORRIS COTTON AWARD from the NH GOP for Merrimack County.
On 6/15/2023 received CONSERVATIVE EXCELLENCE AWARD from CPAC with a 97% rating.
On 8/22/2022 received endorsement and an "A" rating from the NRA.
On 8/15/2022 received endorsement and an "A" rating from New Hampshire Firearms Coalition.
On 8/1/2022 Endorsed by NH Liberty Alliance with an "A" rating.
On 7/11/2022 received GOLD AWARD for a 100% voting record and endorsement from Granite State Taxpayers (GST).
On 12/14/2021 received GENERAL JOHN STARK Freedom Award from Americans For Prosperity.
On 8/30/2020 received endorsement from ReOpenNH.
Jose's Conservative Principles
- Pro-2nd Amendment
- Pro-Small Business
- Pro-Family (RTL) and Faith
- Pro-Right To Work
- Pro-Free Markets
- Defender of the U.S. Constitution
- Proud Supporter of the U.S. Military
- Pro-School Choice / Parental Involvement
- Anti-Illegal Immigration
- Anti-Big Government & Taxes
- Anti-Obamacare / Socialist Programs
Laws Passed in 2024:
HB 1155 "Living Donor Protection Act": To allow NH Living Organ Donors to get and maintain, insurance without discrimination our premium cost penalties. Signed by Gov. Sununu on June 14th, 2024.
I have also cosponsored over 40 common sense personal rights, liberty, and tax reduction bills.
Supports Local business and Town interests
- Elected as NH State Representative in 2020, 2022 and 2024 for Canterbury and Loudon, NH.
- Director on Board for the Clough Pond Association in Loudon, NH. (2017-21)
- Volunteer Board member for the Gilmanton Winery, assisting with Financial, Process and Quality Control analysis.
- Conducts "Pig Roasts" for volunteer functions and fund raising.
- Member of the Canterbury Conservative Coalition.
- Sponsor for Loudon Old Home Day.
- Member of NH Voter Integrity Network.
- Level 1 Graduate of Americans for Prosperity Grassroots Leadership Training.
- Treasurer for Merrimack County Republican Committee 2017 - 2024.
- Member of New Hampshire Firearms Coalition.
- Member of New Hampshire Collectors Club.
Re-Elected as your NEW NH STATE REP. 2025-2026 CANTERBURY / LOUDON
Why I wanted to be re-elected as your NH State Representative:
"In 2024 I was again seeking to keep my seat in the New Hampshire House of Representatives because of my great love for the State of NH, and more specifically the Towns of Canterbury and Loudon. (Merrimack County - District 4).
My wife Allison and I have lived in Loudon for the past 9 years. We own land in Canterbury and previously lived there for 13 years. We love both towns and the people of our communities. I had the great fortune to win my race in 2020, 2022 and now 2024.
My family and I escaped from the Communist oppression in Cuba and settled in this magnificent country in 1965. We are truly blessed to live in the U.S.A. and in this beautiful State. I kept my promises after I was elected in 2020 and 2022. All of my votes on House and Senate Bills were for more freedom, less taxes, less government control and preservation of our incredible Constitution. I received many awards and "A" ratings from numerous liberty and freedom related organizations.
I am extremely grateful for your votes in the September 10, 2024 Primary and in the General Election November 5, 2024.
I beat my opponent handily in the Primary and in the general election thanks to my great supporters. Thank you for giving me the privilege to keep representing you.
My entire life I have had a "Servant Leader" style of leadership. Thank you for the Honor and Privilege to represent these two wonderful towns, you have my word that I will continue to be responsive to your voices and concerns. And I will preserve the "New Hampshire Advantage".
- Jose' E. Cambrils

THANKYOU FOR supportING my candidacy
To support my campaign, make checks out to: Jose' For NH State Rep.
Mail to: 83 berry Road, Loudon, NH. 03307
Thank you All FOR A Great PRIMARY VICTORY in September 2024. And for electing me to a third straight term for Merrimack County District 4 Canterbury / Loudon State Representative seat in November 2024.
Thanks to those that let me put up a Yard Sign on your property. The Democrat Party targeted my seat, and I had to campaign hard to retain the seat. Any donations of any amount are welcome. Thank you for voting for me into office in 2020, 2022 and 2024. I am the first Male refugee from CUBA to hold a high State office in the history of New Hampshire.
Love and God Bless to all, Jose'