I Love NH and want to keep it the greatest State in the nation".
"I made my living in NH. Was Blessed to be able to retire at age 55. Now it is time to give back to my community and State. I want to restore traditional NH values and pride to this great State. And help make it the best place to live and work in the country".
"My focus will be on creating the best environment for our towns small businesses to thrive and grow. I believe that with a strong economy and low unemployment many of our social issues go away or are diminished".
Good steward of the land:
"I love the outdoors and spend a lot of time in the NH woods and ponds in Canterbury and Loudon. I will support legislation that will protect our beautiful NH landscape, lakes and ponds".
"I have an "All of the above" energy policy belief. With a focus to make New Hampshire energy independent through advanced safe technologies like (SMR's) Small Modular Nuclear Reactors. I will be very careful to weigh any legislation that would be more detrimental to our environment than beneficial to my constituents".
"I was proud to be serving on the Science, Technology & Energy Committee 2021-2022. This gave me the opportunity to pass legislation that supports my beliefs stated above".
I am now on the Finance Committee and in the 2023-2024 session I helped to pass legislation on "trash to energy", "cyanobacteria blooms" and "water quality" in NH. For the 2025-2026 session I was appointed as Vice Chair of Finance Division 1 by the NH Speaker of the House. I have cosponsored several bills to advance nuclear technologies in NH.

THANK YOU FOR your support:
Republican Primary: Tuesday September 10, 2024.
General Election: Tuesday November 5, 2024.
Thank you to all that came out to vote in Loudon and Canterbury in 2020, 2022 and 2024. It has been my great pleasure to serve Canterbury and Loudon for three terms as your NH State Representative.
Thank you again for your vote and support these past 6 years. -Jose'-