Please make out checks to: Jose' For NH State Rep.
Mail to: 83 Berry Road, Loudon, NH. 03307
List of 2021-2024 Donors to: Jose' For NH State Representative. Thank you again for making this great victory possible.
- King Family
- NH Liberty Alliance
- McGee Family
- Gatsoulis Family
- Merrimack County Republican Committee
- DeHart Family
- NH Job Creation Alliance
- Sue Dankin
- Medynski Family
- Dupont Family
- Chalifour Family
- Butterfield Family
- Cambrils Family
Thank you so much
to those who have contributed to the campaign. Please know that 100% of all donations will be used to purchase Election yard signs, brochures and advertisement. God Bless, Jose'
NEWS 12/6/2020: Jose' Cambrils sworn into office as part of the 167th Congress of NH.
NEWS 1/7/2021: Jose' appointed to the Science, Technology & Energy Committee
NEWS 6/24/2021: History making Fiscally, and Socially Conservative HB 2 passed into Law in my first year as a NH Representative.
NEWS 12/14/2021: Rep. Cambrils receives "General John Stark Protector of Freedom" Award from Americans for Prosperity.
NEWS 6/1/2022: Jose' Cambrils announces his bid for re-election in 2022 for NH House Seat in Merrimack County, District 4, Canterbury / Loudon.
NEWS 7/24/2022: Jose' Cambrils gets a Gold Award from Granite State Taxpayers for a perfect 100% voting record in favor of the taxpayers.
NEWS 8/24/2022: Jose' gets an "A" rating and endorsement from the NRA.
NEWS 9/1/2022: Jose' gets an "A" rating and endorsement from ReBuildNH.
NEWS 9/3/2022: Jose' gets endorsement from Citizens Alliance New Hampshire.
NEWS 9/13/2022: Jose' beats RINO opponent in Republican Primary by a wide 661 - 253 vote count.
NEWS 11/8/2022: Jose' wins general election and second term as NH State Rep. for Canterbury/ Loudon.
NEWS 12/7/2022: Jose' sworn into the 168th Congress of NH.
NEWS 12/29/2022: Jose' is assigned to the FINANCE COMMITTEE in the NH House.
NEWS 5/4/2023: Jose' votes on bills to protect babies, give more school choice (EFA's), eliminate State dividend and interest taxes, protect our 2nd amendment rights.
NEWS 1/7/2024: Jose' sponsors HB 1155, "Living Donor Protection Act". This will protect living organ donor's ability to get and keep insurance.
NEWS 4/20/2024: Jose' receives a 100% score from SDGANH.
NEWS 7/10/2024: HB 1155 signed into law by Gov. Sununu. First law passed by Jose'.
NEWS 7/28/2024: Jose' gets a second GOLD AWARD from Granite State Taxpayers for a 100% voting record in favor of the taxpayers of NH.
NEWS 12/5/2024: Jose' Cambrils sworn into office as part of the 169th NH Congress.