Please make out checks to: Jose' For NH State Rep.

Mail to: 83 Berry Road, Loudon, NH. 03307


List of 2021-2024 Donors to: Jose' For NH State Representative. Thank you again for making this great victory possible.

    1. King Family
    2. NH Liberty Alliance
    3. McGee Family
    4. Gatsoulis Family
    5. Merrimack County Republican Committee
    6. DeHart Family
    7. NH Job Creation Alliance
    8. Sue Dankin
    9. Medynski Family
    10. Dupont Family
    11. Chalifour Family
    12. Butterfield Family
    13. Cambrils Family

Thank you so much
to those who have contributed to the campaign. Please know that 100% of all donations will be used to purchase Election yard signs, brochures and advertisement. God Bless, Jose'


NEWS 12/6/2020: Jose' Cambrils sworn into office as part of the 167th Congress of NH.

NEWS 1/7/2021: Jose' appointed to the Science, Technology & Energy Committee

NEWS 6/24/2021: History making Fiscally, and Socially Conservative HB 2 passed into Law in my first year as a NH Representative.

NEWS 12/14/2021: Rep. Cambrils receives "General John Stark Protector of Freedom" Award from Americans for Prosperity.

NEWS 6/1/2022: Jose' Cambrils announces his bid for re-election in 2022 for NH House Seat in Merrimack County, District 4, Canterbury / Loudon.

NEWS 7/24/2022: Jose' Cambrils gets a Gold Award from Granite State Taxpayers for a perfect 100% voting record in favor of the taxpayers.

NEWS 8/24/2022: Jose' gets an "A" rating and endorsement from the NRA.

NEWS 9/1/2022: Jose' gets an "A" rating and endorsement from ReBuildNH.

NEWS 9/3/2022: Jose' gets endorsement from Citizens Alliance New Hampshire.

NEWS 9/13/2022: Jose' beats RINO opponent in Republican Primary by a wide 661 - 253 vote count.

NEWS 11/8/2022: Jose' wins general election and second term as NH State Rep. for Canterbury/ Loudon.

NEWS 12/7/2022: Jose' sworn into the 168th Congress of NH.

NEWS 12/29/2022: Jose' is assigned to the FINANCE COMMITTEE in the NH House.

NEWS 5/4/2023: Jose' votes on bills to protect babies, give more school choice (EFA's), eliminate State dividend and interest taxes, protect our 2nd amendment rights.

NEWS 1/7/2024: Jose' sponsors HB 1155, "Living Donor Protection Act". This will protect living organ donor's ability to get and keep insurance.

NEWS 4/20/2024: Jose' receives a 100% score from SDGANH.

NEWS 7/10/2024: HB 1155 signed into law by Gov. Sununu. First law passed by Jose'.

NEWS 7/28/2024: Jose' gets a second GOLD AWARD from Granite State Taxpayers for a 100% voting record in favor of the taxpayers of NH.

NEWS 12/5/2024: Jose' Cambrils sworn into office as part of the 169th NH Congress.